31 Healthy Low-Carb Foods, Vegetables, Fruits For Weight Loss

healthy low carb foods for weight loss

Embracing healthy low-carb foods and cutting back on high carbs food can have some impressive health benefits.

Studies show it causes a significant reduction in hunger levels (1).

This is very significant for people who want to lose weight without the need for calorie counting. Over 23 studies reveal that low-carb diets cause more weight loss than low-fat diets (23).

Low-carb foods also have numerous benefits for metabolic health (4). This includes a decrease in the levels of blood sugar, blood pressure and triglycerides, higher HDL (the “good”) cholesterol, and others (56).

This low-carb food list will guide you in making the right choice when it comes to low-carb foods. Most of them are very nutritious and delicious.

Foods with Almost Zero Carbs

1. Eggs

Eggs are one the healthiest and nutritious foods ever known. They are packed with numerous nutrients that are important for brain health as well as eye health.

They contain almost zero carbs and are great to eat when you’re on the keto diet.

2. Meats

All types of meat are close to almost zero carbs. Although they are some exceptions like organ meats which contain about no carbs (7).

3. Lamb

Lamb is rich in numerous nutrients, including iron and B12. Due to the fact that lamb is grass-fed, it tends to be high in a beneficial fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (8).

They contain zero carbs.

4. Chicken

Chicken is one of the most popular meats in the world. They are also high in many beneficial nutrients and proteins.

They contain zero carb.

Healthy low calorie foods for weight loss

5. Fish and Seafood

Fish and other kinds of seafood are highly nutritious and healthy.

Particularly, they are high in vitamin B12, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids.

6. Salmon

Salmon is among the most popular fish in the world. They also contain heart-healthy fats. In addition, salmon is also rich in vitamin B12, iodine etc.

They contain zero carbs.

7. Sardines

Sardines are oily fish and are mostly eaten whole i.e. with bones and everything.

They are very nutritious and nutrient-dense. They contain almost zero carbs.


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